Using the TestFlight app

My turn touch arrived, but I haven’t done anything with it because the iOS isn’t available? To use Hue, etc it all goes through my phone, not my mac?

I am having the same problem. Can’t use it without the app. Sent my email to ask for IOS testflight app access. When should we expect the iOS app access to be sent to us?

I’ve been adding people to TestFlight in batches. When I’m in front of my computer I’m doing it nearly in real-time, but otherwise it can take up to a day.

The app has been in Apple’s App Review for over a month now, so I’m waiting patiently until they approve it (which I wish they had done already, of course).

To which address do I have to sent an email to get the TestFlight invitation? (If this entry is enough: My account address is also the address for TestFlight / my Apple ID.)
My Turn Touch device arrived today and I’m eager to play with as soon as possible. seems like a good address to try. :slight_smile:

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Thanks, that was too easy. :wink:
But while reading your reply, I also remembered to have a look at the small paper that was in the box. It mentions the page which offers a form to request access to the app.

It was finally approved today! I’ll be releasing it soon.

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Again yay!

Can you post the App Store link to the app here, please?

I’m going to approve it next week. I’m still working on getting to convert. I’m not selling much through paid ads and I want to have that fixed before I go live.

Any update on the App? I just checked the Apple store and no go?

Still waiting on IFTTT to approve the Turn Touch channel. I want that to be live before I release the iOS app.

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Got my devices today. Kind of annoyed.

I understand wanting things to be perfect, but what am I supposed to do with this if there isn’t an app? They’re just expensive paperweights.

You know the app is available at right? And you can use IFTTT, you just need to hit the private beta url. The release just means general availability, the apps for both iOS and Mac are working great.

I filled out the form to request the iOS app. I can’t download it until that gets approved? There appears to be a macOS version but that’s only helpful if you have a macOS device. Basically its a paperweight until technical support (you, i guess) helps me with a workaround.

Look, i’m sure it was a tremendous amount of work. The device looks nice. It’s normal for a kickstarter campaign to have hiccups. Still, it’s annoying that I can’t play with my new toy out of the box.

I just approved your account. I approve TestFlight invites every single day. You should now be good to go.

Thanks. Looking forward to trying them out.

Can you approve my invite too please?


Sorry @CoachCam, I don’t see your email in today’s form. If you already submitted before then it’s in TestFlight.

I’m planning to launch the app publicly as soon as I ship the remaining Mahogany + Rosewood combos, which should happen in the next few days as my wood shop just came back online.