Hue "energize"?


I am trying to figure out how to map “Energize” onto one of the buttons. I can’t seem to be able to do this. I do have it in the drop down menu, but when I try to trigger is it doesn’t seem to execute.

When I look at “scenes” that are preconfigured in the app (mac) it does not have an “energize” option, just “early evening” and “late evening”, but nothing like “morning” or similar.

I did try to map the “energize” option to “early evening” but as said above, it’s not executing.

Is there a way to configure this?

I’ve had a similar experience with Hue scene selection, some seem to work but not others.

You’re both on the Mac, right? I built an action called “Trigger Scene” on iOS and I just tested it and it works well with Energize. But I also tested Energize on the Mac and it also worked fine.

I’m not sure what to try next, as it works for me on both platforms. I will however get Trigger Scene added as an action on the Mac app.

Oh, here’s a good question to ask. How many Hue bulbs do you have and in how many rooms?

Hi Samuel,

I have 6 bulbs and one light strip in 5 rooms.

And yes, I am on the Mac.

2 rooms, each with one bulb each, and yes, Mac!

What is the room selection for when you try to use energize? Can you try switching it and seeing what works?

I am trying to activate all rooms. With the App v2 Hue changed the “wake up” light to something more yellowish and I am trying to just switch it to “Energize” early in the morning.

You have “All Rooms” selected? Does it work if you select individual rooms?

You have “All Rooms” selected? Does it work if you select individual rooms?