Cannot connect after upgrading mac to Mojave

My device will not connect after upgrading my mac to Mojave. Help!

got it reconnected w/ a new battery. no longer works with itunes.

Make sure you’re running the latest version. I fixed it a couple weeks ago. Also, you may need to go to System Preferences > Security + Privacy > Privacy > Automation > Turn Touch needs to be checked.

Thanks. It only shows up in Accessibility, not Automation. How do I add it?
I am on v1.0.3

Make sure you’re running the latest. Go to the TT app > Settings > About > Check for Updates. Then, once on latest, and you hit the “Next Track” button, the OS should prompt you to enable TT.

Says I am on the latest version: 1.0.3
no prompt. is there a way to force it?

Looks like I neglected to release the updated app! Just pushed it out and it should work once you upgrade. Please let me know. I just tested it on another machine and it looks like v1.0.4 does the trick.

Thanks. That did the trick. Working perfectly again.